
How do i train my miniature dachshound to fetch and bring back?

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i have tried to throwing the ball and calling him back and give him a treat but he loses interest in the ball and more on the treats.




  1. This is a prey dog - a dog originally bred to hunt, a ball isn't much of a challenge.

    My dachsies love squeeky toys as long as they squeek, once they have managed to desqueek them, they are "dead" and no longer of interest, unless of course, they are in the mood to pluck them, that entails taking all the stuffing out.

    Dachshunds are the only hound that kills - they were bred to go down into badger holes, dig out the badger and shake it by the throat until it was dead.   Sometimes the hunter that owned the dachsie got there, sometimes he didn't, so the dachsie is an independent thinker.

    Doesn't mean they can't be very playful, but that usually involves two dachshunds running with a "prey" toy between them and "killing" it.   This is a very different breed of dog from most, they're cute and small, but they are mightly hunters and don't see themselves as anything but important hunters.

    I've only had one dachshund (I foster for a breed rescue) that liked to fetch a ball, and she was a puppy.

  2. well, dachshunds like things that squeak (which can sometimes get annoying) and they usually don't like to play fetch. Mine likes to hide and go seek =) I hide the toy while she's not looking and she goes and sniffs it out.

  3. Don't repeat it to many times.  His attention span depends on how old he is.  Some dogs are natural retrievers and others aren't.  If you want your dachsie to continue returning the ball to you, keep the fetch game short.  Don't throw the ball to far, give him treat and lots of praise when he returns it and end the game while he still wants to play and had already returned the ball.

    Remember, some dogs are happy to do the same exercise again and again, others are only will to do it a few times then get bored.


    My dachsie loves to play fetch, he especially likes it if I have a ball that squeeks.  There's a tennis ball type dog that's made by AirDog.  The felt doesn't ruin the dogs teeth, its firm like a tennis ball and its squeeks.   He also likes the light-up ball which we use at night.

    Keep the balls you play fetch with "special".  Don't allow him to play with them alone, use them only when you play your special fetch game with him, otherwise, put them away.

  4. Depending on the age, it is common fro a doxie to go to a toy but not bring it back. They learn to fetch like any other dog as they get older. They seem to get bored with the game pretty easily. Dachshunds like to run and run and run.  

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