
How do i transfer Sony Micro MV (60) tape data onto DVD without the camera?

by  |  earlier

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is there a product i can use? e.g a casing that connects to the computer to burn it to dvd etc??




  1. the other option wud be a microDV player w/c may cost more than ur vcam, if it exists.

    microDV vcam is FIREWIRE400**-connected to pc to upload video thru video capture or video editing* software while vcam is ON PLAYBACK.  Note: DV or Firewire port of vcam is 4pin. Before cable purchase** (Vcam/4pin=>firewireCABLE=>PC (4/ 6pin?), check pc for DV or firewire port, whether 4 or 6 pin. If none, install firewire card: pci for pc or pcmcia for laptop.    

    for starters, free Windows Movie Maker* (XP-wmm2 & Vista-wmm6) provides simple & easy way to learn the ropes < click help for details>. Upgrade to intermediate video editing applications accdg. to need & skill level

          video editing process- XP/wmm2

          >>> open wmm- start/all programs/wmm->TASK pane

    1. Capture video stream** - editing software remotely controls vcam operations

    2. Edit- drag/drop video files->timeline & enhance w/effects, transition, music & titles

    3. Finish (render)- save Movie –OK for youTube, also save Project.msmmw file

          >>> Share-burn to CD (if DvD, use DvD authoring app, e.g.,DvD Flick, Nero, etc.)

    For Vista/wmm6, t’is similar: Import/ Edit/ Publish/ WindowsDVD or Nero for authoring

  2. Hello...

    well, the first answerer is mixing two things - Micro MV is NOT miniDV. Actually those two tapes are totally incompatible:-).

    And here is the answer. Unfortunately, there is no player, nor any adapter for Micro MV tape. That tape is proprietary for SONY Micro MV camcorders and could be played ONLY on those camcorders. If your is broken, lost , stolen or something, try local SONY store if you can rent one for a day or two, transfer your tapes onto your computer and forget the format, get a miniDV camcorder instead, which - true - is bigger but much more compatible (both hardware and software) + produces better quality video. Micro MV was invented for one and only reason - make miniDV-like camocrder smaller and more compact. But in physical world nothing is free, so you gotta pay for that by lower compatibility and lower quality of the recording.

    If you do have the camcorder and only don't wanna use it for playing (there were such people on this forum) remember on thing. These camcorders are quite sturdy and the cam. will die of old age before it would get worn-out by playing those tapes.

    Now, you need a special software too (Windows Movie Maker will not work). SONY includes MovieShaker, unfortunately (again haha) it saves the final file in MMV format which no other software will recognize.

    I would suggest Ulead Video Studio 7 or higher (I have version 8, using with miniDV cam and I like it). It does recognize the Micro MV camera and CAN import the movie from this camera via FireWire, It CANNOT though open already stored MMV video.

    If you need more info, check this web:

    Have fun


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