
How do i turn a word document into a pdf file using word 2007?

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How do i turn a word document into a pdf file using word 2007?




  1. I know of 2 ways, one with a plugin from Microsoft that allows you to save as a pdf, found here,

    or with a "pdf printer"such as pdf 995.  With that, you print the document, but select a new printer called "PDF995", and it will save as a pdf, but you will get an ad screen.

    Both of these are free, but the plugin works better.

    Hope this helps :)

  2. Microsoft offers a free plug-in for Office programs to convert to PDF format.

    Pdf995, PrimoPDF, CutePDF or SourceForge PDFCreator are free alternatives to Adobe Acrobat which will allow you to save your document to PDF format. Once one of these are installed you can simply "print" from your document to PDF.

    If you don't want to download software you can convert your document online for free at

  3. Check out the link below and download it. It's an Add-On from Microsoft to do this.

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