
How do i turn back on "java script" (plz read completely so u understand the situation) !!10 big ones!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i goto youtube and it says i cant watch and vids b/c j.script is not turned on.


i proceed to google my problem. it says goto 'tools' then 'internet options' then to the 'security tab' and then u can enable it from there.

the problem:

there is no security tab sum reason! ahhhh

and im not sure how it got turned off either. all of my family is puzzled too.

what do i do?





  1. go to sun java .com and download the free java download

    or if its installed then go to control panel add remove programs and uninstall it then go  to the site and redownload and install it

    sometimes java becomes corrupt not your fault it just happens

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