
How do i unsubscribe to cosmo girl magazines?

by  |  earlier

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i subscribed for cosmo girl magazine but it was by accident and I don't want a bill to come home with my name on it. my mom will kill me.

please SOMEONE help me !




  1. go to the website or write them a letter explaining that you want to unsubscribe. or ring if there is a number, that is much easier.

    it's quite simple to do. =]


  2. find the phone number...not to hard. call and be sure you speak with a human being, no computer conversations. they will cancel your subscription AND send you a check for however many more months you have on your paid subscription. the magazine people are really quite decent and helpful when you call them!!!!! it's the ones that call your house late in the evening to extend your subscriptions to watch out for. they don't actually work for the particular magazine they are calling for. they work for other companies that get a cut when they manage to persuade you to extend your subscription. i was once paid up six years in advance on a particular magazine before i realized my husband and i both were taking these calls!

    let the buyer beware!

  3. Go to the website, you can do it from there. I did. I unsubscribed after recieving an issue, and I never got a bill for it.

    I tried to include the link to the site but it didnt work.

    Heres what you should do:

    Go to

    click where it says customer service (under the picture of the current issue of the magazine)

    and then the page will come up

    and it will say "Cancel Subscription"

    hope this helps.

  4. Call and just tell them we cancelled but we had to call and tell them it's no problem

  5. Call Them and say You Want to cancel Subscription.  Or write Cancel on the bill when it gets there, and send it back, you will owe Nothing. Tell your mom that too.

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