
How do i use marijuana without smoking it?

by  |  earlier

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I want to try it for the benefits, but i do not want to smoke it.

Any ideas?




  1. brownies, cake, cookies, you gotta heat it so dont eat it plain.

    could vaporize it! thats not smoking

  2. dont listen to the ignorant people who tell you marijuana is bad for you.  make ediibles, thats about the only other thing i know of.  

    dont accept propaganada


  3. It can be made into brownies, cookies, oatmeal, cereal, tea, coffee, waffles, bread, milk, salad, dressings....etc. etc. even the seed itself is plenty healthy for you. Most of it is sold already produced and packaged into the product you want.

    It's a shame that most people can't see the benefits this plant can have.

    Good luck finding something that suits you!

  4. you can eat it piece by piece.

    or you can make tea and add shredded bud to it.

  5. hash brownies

  6. Try cutting it up very fine and adding it to a salad.

  7. sautee in butter, then add to your favorite foods.

    see recipes online

  8. boil down with water and a bunch of butter then use a cheasecloth to strain.. put that butter on some toast and eat up... look for the recipe online because you can also cook  into brownies!

  9. Well my friend MJ has so many health benefits.  There are so many ways to use it.  the best medical way I guess would be to take some olive oil and put some MJ in it and let it set in the olive oil for at least three weeks in the dark.  Mj is fat soluble so you have to use something like this.  Then you can use it as an oil for back problems, aching feet, sore muscles, or you could even drizzle this good stuff over salads.  Also never take the MJ out and throw it away because the longer it stays in the oil the more potent it will become but do keep it in the dark.  Refridge is the best place.

  10. You can make a variety of delicious baked goods. for best results simmer the pot in butter. Since THC is fat soluable, this will release more of it. Once you have simmered it for about 15 minutes, just add it to your favorite cookie/brownie/cake mix. Makes for a good time.

  11. no u dont want to try it and there is no benifits so to use it for something useful fill up ur trash can with it and u will thank me later

  12. suppository  

  13. make tea out of it or put it in your food have fun and stay high  

  14. parachute it

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