
How do i use someone else's wireless network???

by  |  earlier

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for a hp desktop




  1. You either have to have the passkey or their network has to be unprotected by passkey. Then you click on your little wireless icon on the bottom right of the screen, search for available networks, and follow the prompts to connect.

  2. It is illegal tp hook up to another persons network without permission. Watch yor step! Think about it this way, would want some one stealing your cable service if you were the one paying for it?

  3. First, ask them if it is OK.

    Then if it is protected by a passcode or key, as them for it.

    If not, you can connect by simply having your wireless on your desktop active and choosing their network from those available.

  4. Without the explicit written permission/consent from the person you are connecting to. This could be considered eaves doping or wiretapping, and is highly illegal. If you have their permission, then just ask them for the WPA/WEP key.

  5. 1.Your computer has to be equipped with a wireless network adapter.

    2 Your computer will automatically detect the wireless network within it's range.

    3. If the network is secured one, you should get it's key (wep) from the network owner and key it in. If it is not a secured one, your computer gets automatically conected.

    If I'm wrong ,  others on the web pls correct me.

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