
How do i view my old yahoo group messages?

by  |  earlier

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because now it only views recent messages. I want to see and read my old groups messages and I just can't view them.

Please help!




  1. 1. Go to the main page of your group's homepage.

    2. On the left-hand side, click on "messages".

    There comes a list of messages from the most recent to older. These are the archived messages.

    Hope this helps you.

  2. Yahoo has been working on this issue.

    With the search and archive issues, it is important to contact Customer Care when you're having this problem. Unlike some other issues, it is entirely possible that your group may be the only one having an issue, since it is possible for indexes to become corrupted. When this happens, the only solution is to report it to Customer Care <> and they will get their engineering team to reindex your group archive.

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