
How do i wake up and go to sleep earlier?

by  |  earlier

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School starts on tuesday and i need to go to sleep at like 10 but i cant fall asleep until it is like 1 am and also i cant wake up until 10:00 and i need to wake up at 7

how do i fall asleep and wake up earlier




  1. go to bed at 1am..set an alarm for 7am and MAKE SURE YOU GET UP .. . do not sleep again through the day .. go to bed at 7pm and have a good 12 hours getting up again at 7?? hope this helps

  2. you just gotta practice. you really should have started at least two weeks before the start of school, though. you need to get ready for bed by 9 and then do something relaxing in your pajamas until 9:30. then turn out the lights and lay down and close your eyes. sometimes it helps to have white noise like a fan or a cd of peaceful sounds. after a few days of doing this faithfully your body will readjust. after you close your eyes at night you can put yourself to sleep by repeating the time you have to wake up over and over in your mind. pratice blocking all other thoughts from your mind. that is a really beneficial exercise for your mind. if you do that, your body will automatically wake up at 7 without an alarm clock and you'll feel well rested instead of groggy when you wake up. if I am awakened by an alarm I always feel grouchy and groggy.

  3. It's just a matter of training your body. Right now your body is use to your style of sleeping so that is what it will automatically do. It will take some time but when you are ready for bed go lay down. you just have to make it a habit. Your body will adjust. Try reading to clear your head, this will help you reach your goal of falling asleep earlier. Waking up, same thing, No more snooze! GET UP! Shower. clean the kitchen.

    Takes some time but proven to work!

  4. I'd say, get yourself very tired and occupied during the day. In the evening, try to relax (get yourself a meditation DVD), watch a nice movie, program your brain to a "sleeping" mode... Drinking a hot honey lemon green tea will help as well as taking a bite of a protein, such as a few pieces of turkey...

    If this doesn't help, wait until school starts. Once you will be forced to wake up early not to be late for your classes, you'll for sure be tired in the evening!  

  5. ask your brother to hit your head with a frying pan at 10 o clock haha

  6. My advice is just to find a way to start getting yourself out of bed at 7 and don't nap or anything until you're ready to go to bed (likely earlier than usual since you will have had less sleep the night before).  Just keep that up and you should change your sleep schedule just fine.

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