
How do i wake up 13 dont drink cofee

by  |  earlier

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i NEED to wake up at 600 at the morning before my brother does. i tried openning the window and letting the sunshine shine in my face....i usually roll away.. i cant really buy an alarm clock....i try to force myself to doesnt work...i took deep breaths it didnt work as well... any tips for sleeping? btw i sleep around 10-11pm




  1. drink lemonade b4 u go to bed. like when ur tired and ur just about to sleep. it worked for me

  2. the easiest thing to do would be to get an alarm clock some how and not be lazy and just get up.

    btw energy drinks are horrible for you dont drink them they dont help you wake up

  3. Just get up.

    Theres nothing you can do but wake yourself up.

    I usually pee right when I wake up and I get more awake.

    But if your tired.

    Your tired.

    Theres really no cure for being tired.


  4. Put a really loud alarm clock on the far side of the room so you have to get up and walk to turn it off!

  5. try washing your face in the morning that always wakes me up.

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