
How do i watch a win.rar file?

by  |  earlier

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How do i watch a win.rar file?




  1. A .rar file is a compressed archive file, and needs to be decompressed.  Once you have checked it for viruses, it is easiest to move the .rar file into a new folder, right click the file, and choose Extract All.  Follow the simple instructions that follow and your file should be executable.

  2. .rar are files that have been archived using WinRAR or a similar program.

    this means you need a program to extract them. it's sort of like "zipping" a folder.

  3. you don't. you need to unrar it with winrar.

  4. .rar isn't a media file, its an compressed file.

    Download WinRar and use it to extract to file (right click-> Extract here).  

  5. Hello,

    It's easy. Download "Winrar" installation file from:

    Then you can see your files in two ways,

    1) Double click on them to open it like a browser.

    2) Right click on them and select "extract files ..." to extract them to a specified location. Then, you can browse them by "my computer"

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