
How do i watch anime under school's block policy?

by  |  earlier

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i really went to watch anime in school because i am very bored




  1. Look up "[Anime Episode #]" on google, then make sure it is a video of YouTube etc, the press the "cached" at the end of the description of the link or w/e Lol

    If that doesn't work then I don't know how you can do it = \

  2. Try this. On the computer, go to the calculator and open it. Then click the help icon. When the next screen opens, click the upper left hand corner where the question mark is. Go to: jump to url. This will open the door to the from there.

    Good luck......don't get didn't hear it from me.

  3. You should be doing your work!

    However, if you take the risk of downloading Firefox, another internet browser, you can usually access things like that.

  4. use a site like it will get you around the schools blocks unless they have it blocked to. we use it to get around our schools block on facebook. and if they do have it blocked replace 'a' with any other letter of the alphabet. we use a, b which got blocked and then we switched to

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