
How do i watch my baby when i am sick? will my baby get sick from being around me?

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so i believe i have allergies/ started as a sore throat and now i am coughing..stuffy nose and sneezing..and i have a headache...

i am afraid of getting my son (whose 3 months old) sick too...

i guess i will take some allergy medicine..but do u believe he can catch the sickness from being around me??




  1. Keep wash your hands, stay away from your mouth if you cough, the air probably have your germ in which your baby breath in air still might have caught which he can get cold from you or not if he lucky but allergy won't give your baby, Hope you feel better.

  2. Babies have a very hardy immune system, especially if you are breast feeding. If you are breastfeeding and sick you are automatically passing your antibodies to the baby thru your breastmilk. If you are using formula the baby is only slightly more likely to get sick. It is more important though for the baby to have his mom around then to have someone else take care of him if you are sick. If he does get sick it will only help to improve his immune system for the future.

    With that said you should always keep an eye on him for any symptoms of a serious illness, a high fever, or congestion can be signs that something is wrong. When in doubt, if he is showing symptoms, take him to the doctor.

    Best of luck and hope you feel better soon!

  3. Most likely he can.

    Do you have relatives or parents or any friends that would keep him until you feel better? It would be horrible for him to get it, and then both of you have it at the same time. Then you wouldnt be able to take care of him as well because you would need rest too!

    wtf with the thumb down?

  4. Defiantly possible that he will or he might will just have to just make him comfy if he gets sick and call the ped for suggestions if he doesn't want to eat..if you breastfeed...keep might actually prevent him from being sick.  

  5. Sorry, but your baby will prob. get sick too. All of the washing of the hands and coughing in another direction can only do so much. I usually go ahead and count on my daughter getting sick if I am sick. If she gets sick, I know that I'm going to be sick too. It's just part of the loving bond between mother and child. Hope you feel better soon!

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