
How do i wire a house phone myself?

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My parents currentley have a phone with eastlink. and i got a house phone with aliant, the guy did the wiring outside of my house already, but i wasn't home when he could do the inside wiring. How can i do it myself??




  1. It's a bit tedious, but not particularly difficult.  The names you mention sound like UK, and I'm describing US practice -- so there may be slight differences.  First, inspect where the company wiring comes into the premises; there should be a junction box with one or two cables coming in from the street.  Two pairs of wires will be involved, one for the parents' phone, and one for the new line.  Identify the wires for the new line; you will connect your wiring to it in the same manner as the existing wiring is connected to the old line.  Determine the routing path from this point to where you will want your phone jack(s), and determine the distance; get enough telephone wire to cover this and some extra.  (The usual wire contains two pairs, a red-green and a yellow-black; you will use the red-green.)  Also obtain the needed jacks and outlet boxes (if you use these).  String the wire, connect at each end paying attention to the colors (do the jack end first), and you should be in business.  The normal voltage on a phone line is about 48 volts DC; this is not hazardous, and you probably wouldn't even feel it if you touched wires.

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