
How do i write, and sell a screenplay, with a character that i would like to play?

by  |  earlier

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Is it possible for me to sell the screenplay with an option for me to play a role? Also how do i go about pitching, or selling the screenplay? Im located in Rhode Island so there isnt much industry down here I could really use all the advice I can get......Thanx!




  1. Hi too am in need well im putting on a play of Camp Rock anyways write a screen play around your personallity or wat u want your character to be like. Ok so when ur done writing ur screenplay try to send it to hollywood well actually go on line and look up like producers and send it to them ok well i wish u the best of luck and break a leg.

  2. With no offense meant at all, it might largely depend on the play certainly, your writing ability, and acting skills/talent.

      Certainly it's been done before, and "A" list people often do that, or direct themselves in a production.

      Selling it will be more the challenge, and again, that will relate to the piece, and it's viability for anyone willing to pay money for it, to make money from it.

       You aren't prohibitively far from NYC, which is where you should start searching prospectives, unless you can find independent houses needing material.

       In this case, your job may not be so much different than a Used Car Salesman, trying to convince me, that the vehicle sitting against the fence at the back of your lot, was only driven to Church on Sundays.

       As a Writer, and,,,,.  I suggest you make numerous copies of the manuscript, and begin submitting them. Some here may tell you GET AN AGENT, but it seems you're hardly in a position to do that yet, and Agents, equate as much to that Used Car Salesman, in my opinion.

       I guess I'm curious, beyond that you'd LIKE to play that particular character, IF in fact you'd accept NOT being that involved if you got an offer of purchase, with negotiated royalties, credits, and walk away with less than a bruised ego,,, OR,,, Might you refuse???

    Just my 2 "scents"

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