
How do i write a letter to my husbands attorney requesting visitation of my children. going through a divorce?

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I need help on what to say in a letter to his attorney requesting visitation with my children, I live in the state of Arizona he is residing in Oregon... please help me!




  1. Don't write the letter yourself! Have your attorney write the letter. That is what they are here for. Trust me!  

  2. Why not have a paralegal service write one for you?

  3. You can only get it if you have a court order granting you visitation.  Then you just write him a letter and request it.  

  4. Unfortunately, the first answer is true.  That is how the bloodsucking slimeballs / lawyers work.  

    But since you don't have an attorney, if you write the letter his lawyer won't even acknowledge it unless you have it notorized by the judge (representing yourself) first. It will have to go through the court system for the judge to authorize it. The court will then send it to the ex's attorney.

    P.S. Make sure you use the format of previous legal documents.  If you don't have any, check the internet for the proper format to follow.

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