
How do i write a song?

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I have this little band up in the tennis courts and we try to sing and play our rackets... we have a couple of songs but we need new ones the hippies was the first and biggest hit even tough it only has four lines but we upgraded it so if anyone knows how to help us please answer!




  1. write what you think, and feel

  2. Writing a song is basically just writing a poem and adding music to it. try that!, dont think of music at all when writing. the poem doesn't have to rhyme it just has to sound good.

    You need to know words, phrases, syllables & sharp timing.

  3. instead of rackets use a guitar

  4. try writing a poem,, and then see how it works with music.  write about what you like, your feelings, and your relationships with others.

  5. write a poem.. and then sing it

  6. jus rite how u feel i write songs all the time.  Just put your thoughts on paper!

  7. write a peom first and make it ryme then just sing it.


  8. write wat u feel

  9. Write what you see do and feel all week end.

  10. what happened in your day?

    your pet?

    whatever comes!


  11. oh my god.

  12. If we knew that we'd all be millionaires dude.

  13. You concentrate on the tune and I will do the lyrics for you - If you make it big remember me and throw me a kipper or two:

    Here we go - The song is called Kissing Daley Thompson

    Daley Daley you're the best

    So many more athletic disciplines than the rest

    When will I caress your face

    I hope you never get sprayed with mace

    (This next bit you might consider rapping maybe So Solid Crew could come in)

    Yo Yo Daley dude

    Dont get feisty I aint bein rude

    Crack a jack smack it up old

    Back in Seoul you was winning Gold (I have no idea if he did)

    (Back to main song)

    Thompson you are so strong

    I think of you so much is it wrong

    Tasty morsels chasing dreams

    Tomorrow I see a vision in the sky before dawn

    Finish with a chant:










    I know it seems a bit much but I think the public would welcome a ballad / rap on one of our beloved Olympians ahead of the Bejing games.

    Good luck - Send me the tape

  14. I write songs,they're not the greatest but they're okay.I think I have 55 now.Some of them are good and others just suck terribly.I finished one last night.I went about it all wrong though. You write whatever comes to heart or you can go about it the other approach and write past experiences that you have had.The worst thing that you can do is write the song and it seems pretty raw.I mean like,you're missing something out of it.The song that I wrote last,I left it raw and there's a lot of others that I have did that to.It's almost like writing a poem but the difference is that in a poem,you write it under a genre like if it's a limerick,it has to be funny,if it's a sonnet,it has to be sincere but in a song,it can be anything.It's just when you start writing the songs,don't just write all love songs or stuff like that.mix it up,love,spiritual, politics,past experiences or something silly.Because then you'll find that you don't explore other types when you only stick to one.You do not want to get connected to just love songs or just past experiences songs. Mix it up but i basically all depends on what type of band you are.I hope that I helped you in some sort of way so GOD BLESS you!

  15. it' dead simple writin a song first start with a word  then add anuver and anuver till you've  got  enuff  SEEE  SED IT  WUS  EaSY

  16. Write what you like, feel like doing and that kind of things. I hope this helps!

    - rogerfedererfanclub

  17. Well first think of a catchy tune that hasn't been used. Then decide what you're going to write about like its going to be about love, partying, etc. Then once to got your topic and rhythm start writing down what you feel.



  18. A song is a sentiment of your choosing and your viewpoint set to music.

  19. >.> Write down words... and sing them.

    But seriously this should be in writing or something not Tennis..... >.>

  20. what the heck does this have to do with tennis?
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