
How do i write an affidavit stating i won't pursue criminal charges in a domestic violence case?

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How do i write an affidavit stating i won't pursue criminal charges in a domestic violence case?




  1. An affidavit is a document in which the facts of a particular subject are recorded. As the document may be used in legal proceedings, it needs to be legally certified. This can be done by having the document signed by a Commissioner of Oaths, a lawyer or Justice of the Peace.  

  2. It may vary from state to state, but it may not matter as law enforcement can prosecute even if you don't.  In Tennessee, law enforcement is bound by state law to make an arrest with or without the victim's cooperation, if a primary aggressor can be determined.

  3. Why would you do that. It makes no sense like the domestics cases rarely do. In less you are a deputy district attorney ( i doubt that you are) you cant file criminal charges.  

  4. Write is any way you wish.  It has no legal effect.  The decision to use tax money to pursue a criminal conviction is reservedt to the prosecutor, not the witnesses.  Similarly, the decision to not pursue the conviction belongs to that same prosecutor.

  5. You should never give up your rights epically in a DV case, in most states you do not have a choice if you want to press criminal charges or not but if you are in a situation where there is a DV situation it is not healthy and you should move on before something worse happens!!!

  6. Don't. Why would you need to? almost sounds like the one who initiated the criminal violence against you is pressuring you to sign something so they don't get in trouble. Find help and listen to the lies no longer. Good luck

  7. It doesn't matter if you sign an "affidavit" or not.  The prosecutor in your county determines whether charges are filed or not depending on the police report.

  8. Go to the library and check out a book on court testimonies and affidavits for examples. Write it up and then take it to a notary public and get what's called a "declaration" acknowledgement. Pay the fee (usually $10-$15) and presto! Have a lawyer check it out before you turn it in.

  9. I, ___________, do not wish to prosecute ____________, for any crime he/she may have committed against me and I will not appear as a witness in any proceeding against him, although I know I may be legally compelled to do so.  I am making this affidavit of my own free will.  I have not been threatened, coerced, or paid by any person to sign this affidavit--it is freely and voluntarily made.




    This statement has no legal affect really except to give the prosecutor something in his/her file in order to justify a dismissal.  You can still be called as a witness and forced to testify.  If you don't appear in court you could be jailed for contempt.  

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