
How do i write an opening of a short story where things begin to happen slowly?

by  |  earlier

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Ok i have an assignment and i missed the class where they were to supposed to teach us - How do i do this " Write the opening to a story in which things begin to happen in slow motion."




  1. start with the end of the story and then back track to explain. Maybe start with some kind of horrible accident as it is happening (in slow mition of course) and right before the main character will live or die stop and lead in to the the story from the begging.


  2. Think of a movie where the characters are moving in slow motion and describe what is happening. Word for word.


    "The sound of her own heartbeat thundered in her ears as the world around her slowed to a maddening crawl.  She could see every movement of the muscles in the jogger's legs, stretching then contracting.  Repeatedly.  His right foot hit the pavement as his left foot left it, arcing its way to the front before landing a mere three feet forward. And again.

    The mother taking her baby out for a stroll, seemed to stand still in comparison.  The toy her baby threw out just seconds ago, seemed suspended in the air, fighting a losing battle with gravity, as it floated down to the ground."

    This is just a rough draft to get the idea across.

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