
How do illegal immigrants get on welfare?

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I have this friend who is a single mother on welfare with 5 kids. Well last time I drove her to the county office. We went inside the county office, and it was crowded. When i talked to the reciprocate she said most of the people in the county office were illegal. So I was just wandering how do my tax payers money go to illegals criminals who break our laws.




  1. I don't know how they get on it because if the name and SSN don't match up they do not qualify and get nothing!! I've seen and heard of illegal immigrants getting benefits for their citizen children,but never for themselves.

  2. they spit out kids on american soil so they get money for em or use a fake ss

  3. The costs of illegal immigration to the taxpayer are numerous, but the largest costs are education of their children, emergency medical care and incarceration for those arrested for crimes.

    Despite being ineligible, some illegal aliens also get welfare the same way they get jobs: with identity documents falsely identifying them as U.S. citizens. In addition, if they have U.S.-born children, they may collect welfare assistance in the name of those children. The annual net cost of illegal immigrants (after subtracting their tax payments) to the American taxpayer is likely to be more than $45 billion. Our recent study of the net fiscal “Costs of illegal immigration to Californians” estimated the partial costs at $10.5 billion in that state alone.

  4. I'm not sure how they get it, I think a lot of it is the children of illegals too.

    A couple of years ago, 25% of the welfare in L.A. went to illegals or the children of illegals. Just over 37 million dollars. Shocking and disturbing at the same time.  Today they cost L.A. over a billion dollars each year combined between health care and welfare.

  5. the previous poster is right. Its the LEGAL children that get the welfare not the parents. People need to get their facts staight.  You have to provide birth certificates also. I am so tried of hearing people complain about how illegal take their jobs and get welfare etc etc etc...

    I would like to see ONE american work the jobs and hours that they do and have good work ethics.  come on people why doesnt anyone complain about the american people who drain our system now.  Its just not the illegals that do it but just like a American they have to blame others first!

  6. It doesn't. You must provide a US birth certificate to be on welfare.

  7. Because people like you support them ....................................

  8. Illegal Immigrants don't receive welfare for some reason

  9. It's easy, illegals criminally enter this nation, pop out a litter of babies to the tune of a bakers dozen, and use those kids to collect welfare.  If you pissed, you should be, your paying for it.

  10. They don't get welfare, your tax money is going to people that have 5 kids they can't support.How would anyone know if most of the people in the county office were illegal, county offices are like doctors offices, anything regarding recipients is confidential.

  11. Fake social security numbers

    Stupid idiots in our government that allow illegals to use our social services

  12. Well i always used to ask the same question. over and over again. But when you have a kid in the united states the kids have all the rights. regardless of were the parent is from or if they are illegal.its stupid but is true.

  13. Stolen IDs are used by those that don't have anchor babies. They certainly don't commit felony ID theft to get a library cad. They use them to receive benefits and services they aren't legally entitled to...

    Anchor babies qualifies the family for welfare WITHOUT committing identity theft even if both parents are illegal.

  14. I know, it makes me upset that anyone in general, regardless of ethnicity abuses the system.  I think it would be better, since the govt. is involved, they should check that after 3 kids, if the parents or single parent is still on welfare, they should be sterilized. Hey , it's just a thought, I mean if you can't afford to support the kids you already have, why bring more to this world?

    So, yeah fixed those irresponsible mothers. and find them a job.

  15. Illegals do get welfare and the ones that say they don't or can't are in denial, and I'm not talking about that river in Africa LOL.

  16. they get on welfare because they have *legal* children who by law are entitled to it, so the welfare is supposed to be for the children. There was a welfare reform in 1996 that said that illegal immigrants could not get benefits (including welfare). The only things that illegals get is *emergency* health care and education from kidergarden to 12th grade.

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