
How do infomercials stay in business?!?

by Guest34456  |  earlier

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Are there really that many nimrods out there that buys this c**p? Do they really make enough to pay for the airtime? How many ways can you repackage a placebo and still have people choke them down?!




  1. they target channels and time zones to meet the demergraphics they want,,mostly old people and there you go,,,they get more orders then you know,,,a wharehouse can get empty within hours....old people like to order stuff like the shamwow...

  2. i dont know why, but those 'proactiv' and 'sheer cover' infomercials are incredibly hypnotizing.

  3. Well, the cost to run them is pretty cheap.

    And, as PT Barnum said, "There's a sucker born every minute."

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