
How do insects walk on walls

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How do insects walk on walls




  1. sticky pads on there feet

  2. remember that thing in the 1st spiderman

  3. I'm pretty sure it's the tiny hairs they have on their legs, otherwise known as cilia.

  4. Most insects have minute claws or hooks on their feet.  If you look at most smooth surfaces, even glass under an electron microscope you will find the surface has all sorts of cracks and crannies making it easy for the minute hooks on an insects feet to find something  to cling to

  5. Haven't you ever seen a bugs life? They have suction cups on the bottoms of their feet.

  6. they kinda have sticky feet

  7. I was just wondering this the other day! Ants got into my birdfeeder that hangs from my ceiling and it seriously stumbled me.

  8. they have super powers

  9. with tiny suction-cuppy things on their hands/paws or tiny hairs that hook onto the surface...i sorta forget which :-\

  10. They have these microscopic hair things that dig into the microscopic pores on things. Everything has pores. But then stick an insect in a bathtub and watch it try to walk up the walls, it can't. But walls, wood, etc. has tiny little footholds for bugs and spiders.  

  11. they have teeny sticky pads on their feet.  

  12. sticky feet which just stick on to the wall

  13. They have microscopic bristles of hair on the bottom of their feet which they use to cling to the wall with.

  14. there legs have special pads so it sticks to the wall making it easier for them to walk on the wall

  15. i think they have those little suction cups on ther teeny lil feet =]

  16. sticky feet

  17. Sticky pads are on the feet.

  18. Because I squish em there

  19. they have spider abilitys

  20. didn't you watch spiderman? lol they probably have hair growing from their fingers too xD

  21. some have very fine hairs on their body which holds them in place. others have sticky substances to walk on glass and such. and some are just godlicky and bend spacetime to achive this amazing feat.

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