
How do international students to the US afford their tuition?

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My friend is having trouble because being in the US on a student visa he's not allowed to work more than 20 hours per week and he can't borrow money. How have others managed?




  1. Scholarships can help!

    Here's one your friend might be eligible for:

    Best of luck to him!

  2. I was in the same situation than your friend. I was married to an US military personnel. However, I was not an American than. I only had the green card. But still could not work off campus. How I made up for my fees and study money? That was a no brainer. You can do qualify for federal student work study. I can't remember whether or not it's based up on the parents income or not. For me it was easy to get, as both of my parents were deceased. And I had no income to proof for. So I did work my 20 hours a week on campus. And that helped for food and books. Than I also had the advantage of being disabled. I got study money from the VA cause I am a spouse of an disabeled Veteran. Than when I got my US citizenship, I qualified for pellgrants, and scholarships. And worked 80 hours on the weekend to finance my studies. I graudated as a Social Worker BA in May of 2000... Good luck hope this helps.

  3. maybe there's a scholarship for those kind of students...

  4. probably their parents helped them out?

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