
How do introverts and extraverts recover from mental and emotion overexertion?

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Im quite sure these happen to introverts, since i happen to be one. Anyway, what im trying to ask is, who do you recover from a state you have reached when you feel really stressed and sapped of energy, and all your creative juice has been squeezed out of you?




  1. Well, by deffinition extroverts feel "charged and energized" by being at a party or with a group of people.  They leave the group feeling more "up" than when they left.  Introverts, by contrast, while they may have had a blast at the party, will be mentally drained at the end and need to go home for some "alone time" to recharge.  So, extroverts get recharged by doing activities with friends and introverts get recharged by doing things alone or, possibly, by hanging out with one friend.

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