
How do introverts handle extroverts?

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In terms of social interaction, extroverts tend to keep their personality on the surface for all to see, they're generally concrete, positive, spontaneous, and interact easily with other extroverts.

Introverts on the other hand tend to be perceived as reserved, withdrawn, abstract, up-tight, serious, deceptive, cynical, negative, and don't interact well with extroverts.

As an introvert, let me tell you that being reserved or withdrawn does not imply a lack of personality or that you're boring or uninteresting.

But there is a conflict in our communication styles.

Firstly, what do you as an extrovert make of introverted people? and for introverts, what do you make of extroverts?

Secondly, this applying specifically to introverts - how do you manage relationships with extroverted people? what styles of interaction work for you? Ultimately, how do you maintain social harmony when extroverted perceptions of your behavior damage your wellbeing?





  1. I was having the exact same question. I am looking forward to answers to this one. "But there is a conflict in our communication styles. " , EXACTLY.

  2. I let them do all the talking, and interject an answer or question periodically.  That way the attention is off of me, and they get it all, which is what they want.

  3. It can be very difficult. My roommate and my boyfriend are both extroverts.

    For example: When my boyfriend and I first started dating I'd drive to his house after a long day of this and that... and I would be under the impression we'd be watching a movie and have a drink together... but then he'd tell me that "So and So and SO and SO" were coming over to join us... or that "So and So" wanted us to play a board game at their house.

    He got frustrated when I'd say "I didnt want to go out" because he didnt see it as "going out" as any interaction with humans is going out to me. lol.

    He thought perhaps I didnt like his friends or was trying to control our time. (Most people dont think I am an introvert at first because I am a good communicator and thrive at acting and public speaking).

    And I used to get mad at him for "going out" too much... (Even tho extroverts need their energy from people and I re-energize from alone time).

    None-the-less 2 years later it can still be hard at times... but We've managed to somewhat compromise. And he knows if we're at a friends house and I go outside to sit alone it isnt to be taken to offense.

    Now I just have to deal with my roommate and her company. Oi vay...

  4. in my opinion, being an introvert isn't some lack of personality. most introverts are smarter than extroverts. haven't you heard the saying: the one who is quiet is either very intelligent or a fool. i think being smart and occassionally giving an intelligent answer makes you stand out more in the crowd than somebody who keeps 'yaaping' about nothing in particular.

  5. ????????????????????????

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