
How do junk yards get in the middle of the woods?

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how does all the junk yards with like water heaters cars washing machines etc... get in the middle of the woods where a car could not get?




  1. maybe some people were already being lazy,about dumping stuff in the right place or at least hiding it , before the trees closed the road.

  2. People are too lazy to take their junk to the junkyard, so they find a nice spot in the woods to deposit their decrepit load.  It then sits there, leaking oil and wrecking all sorts of havoc on the environment.

  3. in some cases they are washed there by flood waters.

  4. Because at one time that piece of the woods not many trees on it mostly high weeds.  

    Someone had a house real near by and when they had to buy one of the things you find water heater washing machine

    They end up there cause the place they buy the new one at does not take the old one.  

    And the trash man of that time did not take that kind of stuff for picken up on trash pick up day.

  5. something called tipping fees at landfill sites,people are to cheap to pay a small fee at the dump and would sooner go and drive into the woods and dump it as more and more people see the dumping going on they add there little bit.Also some people will get a beater of a car a demo drive it in the bush when its done they just leave it out there,worst part is that no one can haul it to a scrap yard cause no ownership trust me I;ve tried.We have lots of these sites in Northern Ontario its a shame people (cottagers) to lazy to drive there garbage back to town toss it into the bush.Trust me its not from old home sites.

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