
How do kids go to school and still make good grades?

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my kid gose to schoola nd still makes bad grades! i dont know what to do..




  1. I had this problem with my daughter. In her case she wasn't getting her homework done. Homework makes up for a large part of their grade. You should also communicate with the teachers, they can tell you why he's getting poor grades, and where he needs help. You could also ask the school if they have any tutoring available(usually free of charge). If all else fails, start homeschooling. My daughter and I start homeschooling next week! Just be sure to find something to help him now so he doesn't get too far behind.

  2. Join the homeschooling world.

    That's what many parents have done whose kids fail in the public school.  Many times it's not the child's, or the parents' fault - it's the school setting.

    There are plenty of us here who homeschool who can get you started!

  3. I am absolutely appalled at this.  I will get a huge number of thumbs down for this, but I am going to say it anyway.

    You are advocating this person teach his or her child and she can not even spell or use punctuation or grammar correctly.  So the kid can not make the grades in school and it is the schools fault.  Absolutely despicable.  It can not be that the kid is not trying. Or that the kid is actually getting a better education in school than this parent is able to give them.  

    How can the parents on this board overlook the fact that this parent can hardly write a comprehensive statement and still blame the school for the child failing.

  4. As soon as she/he comes home from school make them do there homework. Look at there planner if they have one.( We do at out school.) The planner should say all the school work they have to do. Call teachers and check on there progress. Im sure they'll be happy to tell you. If its still not working out. Possibly homeschool him/her???

  5. Just attending school doesn't guarentee you a good grade... There's homework, assignments, tests, quizzes. It's possible that your kid just isn't doing the work/isn't turning in the work. Or maybe he's just not understanding the material and needs extra help. It may even be possible that he has a learning disability. You really need to get more information from his teachers about WHY he's getting bad grades.

  6. Perhaps your child needs a new routine....  A healthy breakfast in the morning, off to school, homework as soon as he/she arrives home and bed at a decent hour (8pm-9pm).  Most children who have trouble focusing at school are tired or hungry.  A solid bedtime and a healthy breakfast (no poptarts or sugary cereals) will help with that.  If after trying a new routine his/her grades have not improved, ask the teacher for a conference and discuss what exactly is troubling your child.  Jumping into homeschooling is not the answer to "fix" a childs grades.

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