
How do know exactly when to move during a short hit?

by  |  earlier

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during practice my coach stands at the net in front of us and hits with in a 2 feet range around us and when the ball comes toward me i either move too late when the ball is in front of me or i move too soon and the ball is in back of me.




  1. We do that too.

    So I'm assuming you are a back row person?

    Well, when she hits it, you follow the ball, and sometimes you can really tell if its going far or short.

    So all you have to do and BE ON YOUR TOES.

    and keep moving, because if your heels are down than that will slow you down and you cant shuffle back if its deep or shuffle up if its short.

    Thats mostly what you can do.

    And if its too far back, overhand pass [setting]

    or if its too short, dig..

  2. Stay on your toes and ready to move.

    Move right when the ball is hit.

    Don't be afraid to dive for a ball in front of you. Coaches appreciate that.

    Be ready to take a ball over your head with your hands.

    Hope i could help

  3. Make sure you have a good base- right foot forward and your legs wide apart- and your weight is on the balls of your feet. Also, watch her hand make contact with the ball, because it's easier to read the direction of the ball. A lot of that will come with practice, especially when it comes to reading the ball, so don't get frustrated. Make sure you shuffle quickly to where the ball is, and make sure you always pass low (below your hips) and forward (your entire body should be going forward on the ball).

    I hope that helps :)

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