
How do laxatives work? What are the mechanics of it?

by  |  earlier

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I'm curious about how laxatives actually work... not just a stock answer like "chemicals", but the actual going-ons in the body in relation to the chemicals that make you go to the bathroom.





    I wasnt sure which laxitive you were talking about so I just gave you the web page.

    Also I wouldnt suggest taking laxitives. If you have to take anything start with 2 tsp of brown sea salt in a quart of warm water to flush your colon, then I would use products like cascara sagrada to help your colon move better.

    When a colon becomes slow it is because the colon is not contracting and moving the food to the end. Laxitives and natural products both help the spasm effect of the colon but  OTC and medical products will make your colon dependent on the medication to move your colons if you use it even twice.  

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