
How do living wills and health care proxies differ?

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describe the aspects of a living will nd proxy that are similar




  1. You can have both.

    you can make out a living will

    but also have someone to make the calls if something comes up that is not covered in the living will

    in that case the doc will do what is in the will but if you put in it that if something comes up that is unclear on what you would like done they can ask your proxi

    a health proxie may decide your health care in the event that you are not able to comunicate what you would like to happen. You are giving that person or persons the responiblity to decide on what to do in the event that you can not talk for yourself. It should be someone whom you trust and someone you have talked to about what you would like to happen in case of illness or injury

    if this person is not your next of Kin you will have to make out a legal papper to name them your proxi

    a living will

    tells the doc's your wishes on what to do when you can not tell the doc's yourself.

    it is legal and the doc's have to follow it.

    you can get a kit or even just type one out your self and sign it in front of several people and have them sign it as well

    it would be helpful if one of those people is a doctor

    I am sorry but I am going to be direct

    you should go think about things like do I want to be on life surport?

    if so how long and for what reasons

    when it should be stopped (if ever)

    think about your beliefs

    and what you are willing to live with

    do I want life saving interventions i.e. sugeries / blood/ cpr/

    is there any medications or procedures you do not want done.

    it is important to try to think about every thing

    like things like amputations do you want one if it means saving your life.

    what if you have to be a resperator for the rest of your life

    make out  detailed list

    like the following

    if I need to be on a resperator for a short term

    I will agree to this but if after one month there is no improvement and it does not look like there will be

    I would like it removed

    it is important that if you are going to put into a living will that there is some care that you do not want and it could end your life you really should sign it in front of a doc

    it is a good idea to have four copies of it

    one of them your family doc should keep

    one you should have and bring it to the hospatil every time you go.

    two emergency contacts it should have a copy they should  be sealed in an envolope and they know that if they are contacted they should bring it to the hospatil.

    the only problems that come up with living wills if the person is a  minor


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    I get my proxies here coz the create a NEW one EVERDAY!

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