
How do lose weight really fast to become a jockey?

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How do lose weight really fast to become a jockey?




  1. Yes, jockeys eat very little, often under 1,000 calories a day. They spend a lot of time in the sweat box, too, sweating off water weight. Many use Lasix (a water pill) and induce vomiting to help take off pounds before a race but those tactics pose health risks so I don't recommend them.

  2. If you want to be a jockey, I suggest you not lose the weight quickly. Most fad diets will eventually put the weight right back on you. With jockeys, eating minimally and exercising and using the steam room is a lifestyle. Most jockeys eat no more than 1200 calories a day. A lot of them also resort to flipping, but that is a sure fire way to shut down your kidneys. My best advice would be to take the weight off slowly, you're less likely to put it back on.

  3. Before you worry about weight, you should probably have some skill.  If you're good in the morning, a trainer will sponsor your "bug."  You don't just dump weight and show up at the track, saying "here I am, ride me!"

  4. i do not know

  5. In all honesty the way jockeys keep their weight down is not to eat very much.  I read an artcle once on Tony McCoy (Champion Jump Jockey) and he said whenever he is trying to make a low weight for a ride his daily routine consisit of a cup of sweet tea for breakfast, some more tea and a couple of Jaffa Cakes (cookies to Americans!) for lunch - to increase his sugar levels- and a chicken breast and steamed vegetables for dinner.  It's not much fun!

    Most jockeys will also use the steam room at the the racecourse to help lose a few extra pounds and many will also run around the course a few times wearing a "sweatsuit" before racing begins.

  6. Its not happening.

    Be 5'4 and skinny.

  7. I have to agree with pesothepaso.  I would get some skill first before trying to lose weight fast.  No trainer is going to hire you as a jockey without knowing you have the skills to be a jockey.  You should get a job as a exercise rider first.  I also agree with Lola C you are better off to lose the weight slowly.  Watch what you eat and limit the portion size and exercise.  This is healthier way to lose weight than the way most jockeys lose weight.

  8. It's probably not the best tasting food in the world- but try eating a clove a garlic with every meal. also- you can take the supplements from your drug store. if you eat the cloves, drink a glass of milk with it while you chew it, it will take the very strong bite out of it. Garlic is also a very excellent way to reduce cholestrol and keep your blood cells happy.- along with your heart!~~~~~

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