
How do make you vegetabie plants glow faster?

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How do make you vegetabie plants glow faster?




  1. All plants need nutrients (mainly N-P-K), water, warmth, sunshine, and CO2.  The proportions and amounts vary by species.

  2. obviously fertilizer...picking good genetics is also important. here are some ways to "cheat" for fast growth:

    1) extremely high nitrogen fertilizer

    2) hydroponics

    3) CO2 injection (plants kept inside a tent of CO2-rich air)

    4) increase the light cycle

  3. Fertilizer will help.  Starting them in a greenhouse and transplanting give you a head start.  Weeding and mulching helps them grow by reducing competition and retaining water.

  4. 1. u may use the plant hormones, like "auxins", or "cytokinins"

    cytokinins make the cell division faster.

    2. u may use the hybrid varieties, which are genetically modified  to grow the veggie faster.

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