
How do me and mu husband become foster parents?

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we are 23 and 25 have been married 4 two yrs .. but do not own a home we went a mobile home. what all do u have to have for us to do this ?




  1. go to the local family and children services

  2. You don't sound equipped to handle children, and you must be careful of foster children anyway, as they are very often trouble.

  3. It's unbelieveably easy. Get in touch with social services, tell them you want to register to be a foster parent. You fill out some paperwork and go to a few classes. Like 8 hours every Saturday for a month. That's just 4 classes. They come check out where you live. Not more than 2 boys to one room, or 2 girls to another. Boys and girls can not share a room. Really the only thing you need to have before they come check out your house is a bed and dresser for each child you plan to take. You need to, of course, have a good running vehicle. Most states you can pick the age range of kids that you want, infants, elementary school age or teenagers. Infants are hard to get and there aren't usually a lot. Being  foster parent dosn't pay well at all, and you should make sure that your husband agrees with you on this 100%. Foster children have many different levels of abuse that you will have to deal with. Serious emotional problems, problems in school, no manners, they might be abusive to other kids themselves. And as soon as you get them all straightened out and attached to them, they usually go back to their awful parents. If you really have considered all of this and it's what yall want to do, wonderful, please do it, more good decent foster parents are needed. How do I know? I grew up in foster care and somehow came out ok. Most of the kids I grew up with are dead or in jail.

  4. Call you local children and family services. The  main thing you need it a room for the child. I know in my state you need 50 square feet per child. A home study will be done which includes a criminal background check. I have adopted 4 and do foster care. I love what I do and wish you luck!

  5. Check with your local department of social services - that's who would handle the foster parent process, and they will tell you everything you need to know about licensing, etc.

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