
How do medea effect our daily life?

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How do medea effect our daily life?




  1. Medea daughter of King Aeëtes of Colchis, a jealous and revengeful woman that knew her way around poisons and herbs according to the myth. She promised to help Jason if he married her and she poisoned the women that he planned on betraying her with. She also killed the two children that she had together with Jason. The later being the reason for the expression "Medea complex" for parents who kill their own children.

    I don't think it affects out daily life that much it's just a historical story.  

    Media on the other hand touches almost everything that we do today. It's used and abused in many forms and ways and it impacts on many things in the society around us. The things that are shown in media is things that people tend to believe without seeking other sources to see if it's true or not. Media also decides to not show many things that should be shown, such as the good things. People get the picture that the world is filled with wast amounts of violence and horrible things when reality doesn't look that way. What the medias report affect our politicians and what they do or not and that in the long run affects us all. Media also gives people ideas about what's right and wrong and how people should look and act. And it's not always a realistic or sane picture they paint.  

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