
How do men choose brides in countries where the women wear a veil?

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How would the man know if the woman he is choosing has an unsightly scar on her face, is pretty or ugh-ly or if she is indeed an actual woman, if he has never set eyes on her face. Baffles me. Please explain.




  1. Usually it's an arranged marriage.

  2. It is permitted for a woman who wears niqab to uncover her face and hands in front of a man who wants to propose to her, so that he may see them, without being alone with her and without touching her, because the face gives an indication of ugliness or beauty, and the hands give an indication of whether the body is slender or plump (which in turn gives an impression about fertility).

    Even if the man does not look at the woman, his relatives will see the woman and describe her to him.

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