
How do men ride a bicycle?

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i cant figure out how men ride a bicycle without hurting the testies, someone please tell me how this is done without alot of pain




  1. They don't actually sit all the way they sort of stand up or lean forward.



  2. maybe they will make seats with little ball trays and shorts that allow them to hang naturally into the ball trays LMAO wht a funny question

  3. we dont sit on our balls silly, they sit err in front

  4. i don't know..i never really trhought about it before. i guess they like move it to one side and avoid big bumps and what not.. lmao hahahaha funny question.. hope i helped!

  5. We hang them over the sides.LOL

  6. You don't hurt your testes but if you're riding for long distances on a racing bike with a narrow seat your s*****m does get a bit raw and tender.

  7. You have your testicles removed if you wanna ride a bike, just ask lance armstrong!

    Most of us just get a drivers license when we turn 16.

  8. You've never rode a bike before?

    and men's bicycle seats are shaped different to compensate for theyre balls :)

  9. HAHAHA well we just kinda detach em when we ride

    jkjk no but they just sit in front kind of... trust me just get on one and you'll know, its really not that hard. I must say though, i find it funny how all the girls/women say that we just stand or lean forward, because im pretty sure most men don't stand the ENTIRE time we ride, we actually sit a lot, for me, more than i sit... so sorry to you ladies, but if you're gonna say something like that i gotta call you out on it. Hope it helped. Thanks for the laughs though mate.

  10. hahaharoflmao

    well we dont sit on our balls, they sorta rest on the seat and since we're peddling on the sides, theres no squishage

  11. LMAO!

    this question was hilarious.

    thanks for the laughs. and 2pts.

  12. It's not like our "balls" goes under our bottom so we have "squishage." They kind of go forward and "divide" over the pointy part of the seat.  

  13. they get a big bike and bike on that. in my hometown i see a lot of men do this.

  14. Do not sit on them!

  15. dude you sit on the seat  not the bar.

  16. "squishage" haha, I like that word

  17. LMAO AHAH lol sorry it made me laugh. ^_^

    Hope i helped!

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