
How do men wee in Antarctica?

by  |  earlier

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Surely their winkys must shrivel up and almost disappear in the cold.




  1. I figure if men are in Antarctica they are probably there working and it is highly unlikely that they would be outside the whole time (its too cold)

    If they had to relieve themselves they would probably do it in the building where it is warmer than the outside temperature.

    They would have to be crazy to urinate outside in those severe temperatures.

  2. its dark for six months of the year there. what else they gonna do??

  3. Worried about why you are interested?

  4. Use a diaper.

  5. very carefully !!!

  6. lmao it's like a turtle head down there.

  7. Forget weeing. Think about s**+'tting out an ice block!

  8. yes, explain yourself.

  9. Very cautiously. lol :-)

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