
How do mice in the wild find cheese??

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How do mice in the wild find cheese??




  1. Actually, mice don't really like cheese.  For a long time cheese has been used in mousetraps because mice can smell it from a long way off.  But they would rather have peanut butter!  Or chocolate.

    Mice are omnivores (like us!)  They eat whatever they can find, plants or animals.

  2. sniff old hag's butt's and see if they smell cheese. lol

  3. Wild mice don't eat cheese.  Mice will eat just about anything that is  available but they are primarily vegetarians.

  4. We have mice in our yard on occasion, who live off of the produce in our garden. When we had swiss chard plants (sort of like spinach), there were hundreds of them living there. In the winter, they seek shelter of some sort, and tend to dig under plants like my herbs, and get into  buildings and eat whatever they can find, from dog food or rabbit pellets to birdseed. They just need nutrients, and although they would probably love for there to be cheese available, they will eat almost anything.

    Or, maybe they all migrate to Wisconsin to the dairy farms and cheesemakers!

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