
How do migrants effect the development of a countr?

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How do migrants effect the development of a countr?




  1. This is a very complicated question in truth.  There are as many objective relations where the migrant cooperates as perfectly as anyone with the social reality and some even take their activity to more energetic roles and actively collaborate with the social reality that may be dominant at the time.  If you consider a migrant a human then it is a win win all the way around because where I come from the more the better to make a great thing even greater.  

    I am unable to judge a migrant due to the near impossibility to control the demographics on a worldwide scale.  The U.S. has had plenty of time to enjoy relative advancement but sooner or later the rest of the world takes notice and starts enjoying those advancements too.  People just don't stop doing the natural thing.  In the end it will be the genes that survive, the ones who will carry us on into the future.  And that the genes are propagating beyond their own ability to support their own existence something is going to change.  We are beginning to experience that change I think, and the migrants who come here are no less than the migrants that are going there.  There are too many people on this planet to restrict it from their access and use.  Yet, will we survive if we don't get some control over this?

  2. They often have qualifictions that aren't useful here so they end up taking the lesser jobs such as taxi drivers

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