
How do military wives do it?

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My bf just left to basic and im all types of broken up, I only have a month and 10 days before I ship to basic, then I get to see him for christmas, and then I have 4 more months until I get done with my basic. I dont know how you wives hold up, I can barely take it right now. and you guys have it way worse.




  1. i dont know

  2. Sometimes we don't know how we do it either. We just do because they need us to, our children need us to, and because we would do anything for the soldiers we love. Good Luck and it really does get better.

  3. What about military husbands?

  4. When you fall in love with a military man you just simply make the choice to "do it". You just make the best of the time that you have. You accept that at some point during his career you will not be his first priority. We are a sisterhood. We have each other and sometimes it seems that nobody else understands us or our life style except other military wives.

    Get a hobby. Go to the gym. Volunteer some where. Keeping busy keeps your mind off of it.


  5. We keep ourselves busy. I worked 2 jobs and volunteered with the Young Marines on weekends to pass the time during my husband's Iraq deployments. I really loathed wives who would sit around waiting by the phone making themselves upset. And even some who would neglect their children because they consumed themselves with worry and loneliness. Military Girlfriends , wives, husbands, whomever can not do that and expect their relationship to survive.

    I always had this thought in my mind.

    He is busy, so I have to keep busy.

    He is working, so I should work as well.

    Military wives stay sane because they keep themselves busy. I am not saying we don't miss them and get sad, we do. I cried myself to sleep alone lots of nights.

    You should keep busy as well.

    And may I ask, what branch are you going to that has 4 months of boot camp?

    No branch has that many months.

    Marine Corps has the longest boot camp at 13 weeks and that is 3 months almost. I am a Woman Marine veteran myself.

  6. You keep busy, have a good group of girlfriends that support you and you suck it up. It's not easy and at times it seems impossible but if you take it 1 day at a time you can get through it.  

  7. ur gonna be just fine dont you worry. its been 8 months since my husband left to iraq. just keep urself busy, which wont be hard once u go to basic, and surrond urself with ppl that make u happy. good luck

  8. you have to, it's not a choice one can just decide to take a rain check on. some days are great...others are complete blunders but you keep trudging on holding onto the thought of the reunion ahead way off in the distance......and wait day and night for it to come..

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