
How do modern pirates board a large ship like a tanker?

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From a small vessel like a speedboat?




  1. In Indonesia, they have a length of bamboo pole that they attach a hook on the end. Once they have come alongside they clamber up the pole.

  2. From what I heard they usually come in force

    to a ship that is poorly defended.

    Some ships have a crew(usually American ships)

    that have an arm security force. And/or the crew

    is trained to used guns.

    From what I know pirates won't attack a ship that will

    have a armed crew that will defend itself.

    - - -

  3. I know a few people in the merchant marines.

    They inform me that American vessels often times have security forces adequate enough to kill a large herd of pirates.

    They can repel them from quite a distance, as well.

    American vessels are well protected.

  4. yes, or whatever is fast enough to catch them. they also use weapons. they are like when you see navy seals in movies, they follow the ship, approach from the side and then they board the ship and steal it by using force.

    then they repaint the ship, rename it and use it for whatever they want to or they sell it. a three masted mega yacht was just stolen in middle east and the owner had to pay to pirates to release the crew and they are also trying to buy it back for about 30 million $.

    today most of the ships are protected with guards and they are also developing a system that would detect pirates on the sea. they are looking for suspicious movements of the smaller ships or boats.

  5. yep, the old hook on a pole trick works; also the traditional grappling iron that you saw in the Johny Depp movies; a iron claw with a line attached; heaved up on deck and catches the rail or the lifelines; one guy climbs up the rope attached and drops a rope ladder to his buddies.

    There is also the  RPG / rocket launcher...punch a few holes in the ship and threaten to continue if they don't stop and let you aboard.

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