
How do muscles work to make a bone?

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How do muscles work to make a bone?




  1. That's a new scientific discovery - didn't realize they made bone.  Bone is made of calcium, etc., and the marrow makes blood.  Muscle is made from protein synthesis.  The two aren't related in the sense that one makes the other.

  2. Recent studies have shown that the risk of osteoporosis is lower for people who are active, and especially those who do load-bearing, or weight-bearing activities at least three times a week.

    How can exercise prevent osteoporosis? Muscle pulling on bone builds bone, so weight-bearing exercise builds denser, stronger bones. The more bone mass you build before age 25 or 30, the better off you will be during the years of gradual bone loss. Exercise can also help you maintain bone density later in life.

    The best exercises for building bone are weight- or load-bearing exercises. These include weight-lifting, jogging, hiking, stair-climbing, step aerobics, dancing, racquet sports, and other activities that require your muscles to work against gravity. Swimming and simply walking, although good for cardiovascular fitness, are not the best exercises for building bone. Thirty minutes of weight-bearing exercise daily benefits not only your bones, but improves heart health, muscle strength, coordination, and balance. Those 30 minutes don't need to be done all at once; it's just as good for you to do 10 minutes at a time

    Bone is a living material, so that if you break a bone, it does not stay broken forever but has the ability to repair itself. Therefore the more stress you place on the bones, by exercise, as in weight lifting, or Pilate's, where you are using several of the muscle in say your arm, pulling the bone one way, then another way, to stress it, the more you are stressing the bone to get stronger. Odd part here, Teenagers who are obese will have healthy bones for life and never succumb to Osteoperosis providing they have adequate calcium intake. Teenagers like me, who were fit, healthy, into sport, had plenty of calcium but were skinny, we succumb to Osteoperosis. Reason being obese people are carrying around all that extra body weight all day long, so as such the bones are stressing under the extra weight. The skinny ones, well we are into sports, but only for a certain time during the week and did not have the weight to carry around all day long. Catch 22. Best of Luck

  3. I am unaware of this. From my own personal knowledge and education, muscles do not 'make' bone. Muscles and ligaments are attached to bone in order to help move bone in motion.  If this is a new discovery, call Pulitzer!!

    Also, you can not build bone mass by exercising and weightlifiting. You build muscle mass.

  4. Toms answer is pretty good, BUT, you can build bone mass by bodybuilding. The constant stress of weightlifting on the bones stimulates density growth making the bones harder and larger. So, that could be a way that muscles make bones...

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