
How do my Mars-Venus Mars-Pluto aspects determine how I handle passion, s*x and relationships?

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I have Mars in Taurus Opposite Pluto in Scorpio, Mars Square Venus in Aquarius, Venus Square Pluto. My question is, what does it say about how I handle passion, s*x, and relationships. What is my personality involving all of the aspects in question? Thanks




  1. wow.

    this question deserves to own about 30 of your points! lol.

    um hard.

    okay... well basically, you have Aries opposite Scorpio... you have GOT to be one of the most passionate lovers and fighters in the history of Earth. but if you have Venus in Aquarius, that means you're likely a very creative lover, too. and while you may be pretty possessive, you probably won't want a possessive partner. you'll probably like somebody who gives you some growing room and breathing space. kwim?

    whatever your Venus is in, is usually the sign you should aim for as a partner. so shoot for an Aquarius... and if you get REALLY picky, shoot for an Aquarius with like, a Cancer moon. ;)

    you'd like that.

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