
How do my parents know what sites i've been on with their com puter when i visit ?

by  |  earlier

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Like i come over,but i'm not suppose to go to certain sites. How do they find out? & isnt this rude. I'm their daughter?shouldn't i be treated as a guest,since i moved out anyway?????????




  1. They can look at your search history. The icon on the top of the toolbar that looks like a timer is the history icon. You can click on that and it will tell all of the sites you visited. Also with Auto Complete enabled the search bar also saves the searches you put into it. If you are over the age of 18 I don't see what difference it makes what sites you go to unless they are over run with Spy-ware.

  2. Your parents are trained spys.

  3. Click view above, enter explorer bar and enter history. You can erase it in inet options of the control panel. Hit the clear history tab.

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