
How do nail / s***w get into tyre? will the nail / s***w get poke into tyre if placed under a tyre?

by  |  earlier

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is it possible to have such prank? placing the nail / s***w under the tyre to puncture it? i known someone who has got it 3 times in the past 2 - 3 months.




  1. if that's the case tell them to BACK UP a little FIRST.

    cut the wheels then go.   now if whoever might be doing this they may then put screws and nails in front of and behind the tires.    it's wort a try.

    i've had that happen several times but never thought someone was putting then there.

    i pick up stuff like that off of my street all the time.

    i'd be inclined to think it was just coincidence,  is your friend having problems with someone?

    good luck

  2. Yes it is possible and it happens all the time...........................

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