
How do new nurses gain confidence?

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I've only been an LPN for about 2 weeks. I'm still on orientation at my new job. I feel like I'm asking alot of questions... plus it took me 3 hours to do my first med pass (way out of parameters)! I still don't understand all of the paperwork or blah, blah, blah... basically, does every new nurse go through this... or have I made a big mistake?




  1. oh gosh no! i think every nurse will tell you the same thing when it comes to being new. not only am i a nursing student, but i work in a hospital and i see new nurses orientate once a week almost. every place is different and patient care has up-ed their standards which includes that god aweful paperwork. just relax and pay attention and trust me you will fit right in sooner than you think and you can go on to why you chose this profession, which is to help people.

    ps. asking questions is the BEST thing you can do. someones life is in your hands and pretending to know something when you really dont can seriously put you in jeopardy. so ask away! those nurses know exactly how you feel so don't be afraid!!! good luck!!!  

  2. Every single person in the medical field has gone through this.

    Asking questions is the right thing to do. If you don't ask, you won't know... and there is no such thing as a dumb question.

    Confidence will come once you have more and more experience. And that takes time.

    You haven't made a mistake... you are learning... this is all part of the process.

    So take a deep breath and keep plugging along... your confidence will come along soon... as will understanding what you are learning.

  3. experience = time

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