
How do now if your really this way?

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How do now ifyourgay, or a bisexual......I'm so confused......Some one please help me..........




  1. You will know by how you feel in your heart and mind.  You will know by the type of person you are drawn to sexually.  You should also be able to tell by the type of people you want to be around and share time with not just sexually, but in group situations, but groups of people you choose to be around.  You need to not be affected by what other people tell you, or how they tell you that you may feel, you need to listen to your heart and soul and then decide.  There are plenty of websites online that can also help you.  Take you time, do your research in your heart and soul, and if necessary online and then you'll know.  I wish you the best.  Never be ashamed of you or what you are.  God never makes mistakes, he only makes beautiful people.

    Peace & Love  :)

  2. A g*y person is normally and naturally drawn to members of his/her own gender for companionship and the sharing of love.  It may or may not involve sexual expression, but most times it eventually does.  You have to listen to what your heart says is right.

  3. There's no reason to be impatient to label yourself.

    If you're exclusively attracted to members of the opposite s*x, you're straight; if you're exclusively attracted to member of the same s*x, you're g*y; if you ar attracted to members of both, bi.

    But then people shift around somewhat, especially in their younger years.

    Why not just live your life, and not worry about the labels? At some point you'll have figured it out.

    Or not.

  4. How old are you?  People go through many  emotions as they

    try to find out who they are.  Don't be too anxious and things will

    work out naturally.  

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