
How do oil pollute the nevironment?

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How do oil pollute the nevironment?




  1. Oils are aromatic hydrocarbons, i.e. they are essentially vapours at normal temperatures, and as such are noxious, and poisonous to life forms, because they displace oxygen from the bloodstream, causing difficulty in breathing, and if ingested, ( eaten ),  are toxic, and carcinogenic ( cause cancers ), long term they cause genetic mutations and create an unstable environment for life forms, in the longer term they also deplete oxygen from the seas, during decay, and poison this, for as much as forty years, if left there....

  2. SMOKE... run off into streams and rivers

  3. Imagine your mechanic, fast food purveyor and septic tank pumper dumped all their waste oils on your porch and front lawn.  

    Imagine you are a slug, mole, cat, man or woman.

    How has your environment been polluted?

    Please Note:  Millions of barrells of oil are transported around the world every day without incident.

  4. Oil spills make up about 12% of the oil that enters the ocean. The rest come from shipping travel, drains and dumping.

    An oil spill from a tanker is a severe problem because there is such a huge quantity of oil being spilt into one place.

    Oil spills cause a very localised problem but can be catastrophic to local marine wildlife such as fish, birds and sea otters.

    Oil cannot dissolve in water and forms a thick sludge in the water. This suffocates fish, gets caught in the feathers of marine birds stopping them from flying and blocks light from photosynthetic aquatic plants.

  5. Do you ever re- read what you write?

    Any substance that is not a normal part of an environment will be a pollutant.

    Oil is a particularly nasty pollutant. It effectively smothers any other creature or plant or any other living, breathing thing it can cover.

    How? By cutting it off from what it needs to survive. It would stop YOU receiving light and oxygen, for instance, and also make your food and water unusable. You die.

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