
How do organisations like The Salvation Army use their financial resources?

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Having a multibillion budget worldwide,how much of the money they collect tax-free through donations,etc is going to really helping the needy.And how much disappear through bureaucracy?




  1. I think I would trust the Salvation Army to use the vast majority of its resources to help other people. they dont seem to have jumped onto the bandwagon of mulitmillion pound high profile charity like some have. They just get on with doing good work.

  2. Here is the link to the 2007 accounts for the mian Salvation Army charity, although there are associated charities:

    Income for the year was almost £144 million, charitable expenditure almost £95 million with £445,282 carried forward.

    You can't run a business with a turnover of £144 million without so-called 'beaucracy'.

  3. I believe it's mainly splurged on gin and hookers.

  4. I would say about less than 10 %, actually one per-cent goes to the needy...and the rest goes into parties for the administration, pay raises, new cars, trips to conventions etc etc.  It's the same as the lottery money, it gets loss through the bureaucracy. That's whay I think that these organizations should be taxed too...anything that does not go to the needy, should be taxed. They are very selective in who they really help. Not just anybody at random.

  5. A lot of it goes to necessary organizational funding, such as paying full-time and non-volunteer employees.  It also goes towards facilities, improvements, and--yes--programs to help the needy.  These organizations rely heavily on volunteer work and their tax status.

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