
How do ou pisces act around the peron that your into but never really spoken to this person?

by Guest62603  |  earlier

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How do ou pisces act around the peron that your into but never really spoken to this person?




  1. everyone is different, but im a pisces and im always really shy. i dont even hint that i like the guy. that's just how i am.

  2. My ex was a Pisces.  There was one trait he had in particular that both began and ended our relationship...his indirectness.  At first this made him appear to be mysterious, and that appealed to drew me towards him. later disgusted it led to communication issues...he never would give me straightforward answers.  Of course, you can't categorize each person's personality by their zodiac sign...there is much more that plays into it.  BUT...if I were to sum up for you how a Pisces man behaves based off of my ex...I would simply say that they are quite mysterious and perhaps a little detached or withdrawn.  He didn't approach me the night we met...just stared at me...trying to get me to come talk to HIM.  We finally were introduced by mutual friends, at which point we got to know each other and exchanged numbers.  So he might let you know by eye contact that he likes you...but he also may not be so bold and decisive as to approach you.  But you asked the Pisces their personal opinions lol...I've just dated one.  So don't rely on my opinions!  

  3. I'm very shy although it might not seem like it, i usually laugh alot and make jokes, im pretty old fashioned and wait for the guy to come to me, infact i NEVER make the first move im not confident enough! i usually hold his stare for a while then smile and look down, thats a sure sign im interested.

    answer my question please

  4. -_- ---> ^_^

  5. just a friendly hello, then if u can, continue to talk to this person, ask them about their interest in music or movies just to get it started. After you have had a conversation with this person ask them for their number and talk to them that way, get to know them as a person not as your crush, Now when u too are comfortable with each other ask them to the movies or to hang out or something. No I'll leave u to do the rest, what ever happens happens.

    Good luck

  6. avoid eye contact manly. i did this once, but when she finally spoke to me, i really sounded lame, and killed myself about it latter. now that i look back on it, that was so dumb, i should've just talked to her

  7. Well me being a Pisces i can tell you that i am REALLY shy!

    I'm just more of a listener!

    I'll loosen up eventually but until i feel comfortable i hide in a shell.

    I'm especially shy around guys. I really have no self confidence either.

    but if some one starts talking about something i really like then i can find my voice and soon i'm the only one talking, expressing my thoughts. That's what I really love to do. And i hope that maybe that someone can express with me.


    also you might catch my looking at his eyes alot.....XD

    hope i helped you!  

  8. well im usually shy around new people but sometimes i can be outgoing and start talking first. like asking their name and stuff. but ya around people i like usually i would say i dont really let them know i like them. i probably wont even talk to them or i will and try and be all sweet. lol no jk i am sweet but ya its funny. i use my humor and charm to get the guys laughin. lol. idk im not that outgoing tho i love meeting new people. it all really depends on my mood. oh and sometimes i will try to avoid either talking alot or doing ne thing stupid cuz im a pretty cautious person when it comes to people and i think everything through most of the time. i just dont want to like mess something up and yaa whatever. im done typing.

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